Monday, January 10, 2011

"Cameras don't take pictures, photographers do. Cameras are just another artist's tool."

I am constantly asked:
Which camera do you use?
Which editing programme do you use?
How do I edit skin to make it look perfect?
How do I use photoshop?
etc, etc.
Here is an exact message I received: 11/18/2010
"I'm thinking of getting a camera. I want to take quality images, like in the magazines. I love your work. What do you shoot with? Money isn't an issue lol but, I'm thinking something in along the $500 price range or less. I don't really know what makes a good camera, so that means I need a camera that has an auto setting. The only thing I do know, is the higher the Mega Pixels the better the camera is right? Haha I'd really appreciate your help.
Any photographer would run from answering these questions and to answer them politely is sometimes next to impossible. However, we are not here to judge, laugh or even here to freak out. We are here to take pictures because it's what we love. We all know cameras don't take pictures, photographers do. Cameras are just another artist's tool.
Better yet, You're in the middle of a shoot, and the model/client asks to preview the images.
You agree and you know what's coming next...they have two options:
Word vomit, attacking every part of their body in which they hate.
They look at you in amazement.
Here's the part where they think they are about to give you a steller compliment:
The dreaded, "WOW, your camera takes amazing pictures."
At this point, you feel like changing your camera back to factory settings, passing it to them and saying, "Here, you try." :)
They really didn't say or do anything unwarranted, just like you wouldn't know where to start if you walked into a doctors O.R and he passed a scalpel and said, "Go ahead."
Either way you continue on your shoot because you know in the end, they will be fascinated with the images. You get to meet great people and you're paying your bills with a camera. These things make everything worth it.
So I know I'm going to end this blog with zero insight to any of these questions... this is because I know that those who are truely interested and want this....will research and wont stop until they get their answers. Like I did!

Photo Blog:
Model: The Beautiful Barbie Jewell
Camera Model: Nikon D300
Lense: Nikon Nikkor  vr II 18-200mm
F-Stop: f/11
Exposure time: 1/125sec
ISO - 200
Lighting: Soft box.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"The Funk." & A Happily Ever After.

           Happy Hump Day everyone! First off, I'd love to thank everyone for the views on my previous blogs. The readers are already in the hundreds daily! Although new to this whole blogging thing, I'm already loving it. 

I was very pleased with the photoshoot I had today. I'm the first to admit that engagement photos can be routine and vapid however,I was pleasantly surprised with my clients today. One, a "suicide girls" model and the other a tattoo enthusiast from the UK. I will be posting the images in my blog at upon completion.

           However it is that time of year again, what us photographers call, "The Funk."  It's winter so we are stuck in studio to shoot. We compare our photography to photos out of Vogue or photography of the highest caliber. Sometimes we are satisfied with what we've created, other times, we add layer upon layer in photoshop hoping it will eventually suffice. I couldn't explain this better if I tried and that's why I attach this video of photographer extraordinaire, Zack Arias; in Transform. I really recommend all photographers to take 10 minutes and watch this.

However, there are the days where you create images you love & that makes it all worth it :)

Model: Sarah Whitney
Camera Model: Nikon D300
Lense: Nikon Nikkor  vr II 18-200mm
F-Stop: 4.8
Exposure time: 1/80sec
ISO - 200
Lighting: Soft box.


Skye Kalosza.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's official, it's 2011.

       Happy 2011 everyone! I hope you've managed to survive all of the temptations it brings along.  A few days in the new year, and a few thousand calories.... talk about a new years resolution. How can you help yourself? If you think about it, the majority of us go into the new year intoxicated and wake up with a deplorable hangover. What a promising start.... In all seriousness, I've stuffed myself with nothing but deep fried amazingness and my alcohol consumption has not stopped since Dec 31st, 2010. Put my boyfriend's mother,Deb(who is the best cook in the world) WII, Vodka, wine, a hot tub, a bunch of party people in the same week and this is what happens. So I have an proposition... lets start all over again next week.

      On the other side of the camera I present you Sarah Whitney, Aka "PORSHA."
Porsha is my 2011 hot new addiction to the music charts. She is sweet as sugar, hot as fire and boy can she sing. Her and I got together to produce some hot new images which I have posted below. Look out for her, I can guarantee this girl is going to be a star.  (Click on images to make view high resolution)


Skye Kalosza.