Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's official, it's 2011.

       Happy 2011 everyone! I hope you've managed to survive all of the temptations it brings along.  A few days in the new year, and a few thousand calories.... talk about a new years resolution. How can you help yourself? If you think about it, the majority of us go into the new year intoxicated and wake up with a deplorable hangover. What a promising start.... In all seriousness, I've stuffed myself with nothing but deep fried amazingness and my alcohol consumption has not stopped since Dec 31st, 2010. Put my boyfriend's mother,Deb(who is the best cook in the world) WII, Vodka, wine, a hot tub, a bunch of party people in the same week and this is what happens. So I have an proposition... lets start all over again next week.

      On the other side of the camera I present you Sarah Whitney, Aka "PORSHA."
Porsha is my 2011 hot new addiction to the music charts. She is sweet as sugar, hot as fire and boy can she sing. Her and I got together to produce some hot new images which I have posted below. Look out for her, I can guarantee this girl is going to be a star.  (Click on images to make view high resolution)


Skye Kalosza.


Unknown said...

Hottt! Love you girl! I wanna see a blog on your 11:59 series. -Porsha

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